BUILDING primer universal
Universal building primer. Intended for use both for interior and exterior works when processing concrete, plaster, bricks, stones, wooden surfaces and plasterboard. Recommended for use before painting with alkyd, acrylate or latex paints.
Universal building primer. Intended for use both for interior and exterior works when processing concrete, plaster, bricks, stones, wooden surfaces and plasterboard. Recommended for use before painting with alkyd, acrylate or latex paints.
Secures the paintable surface, improves adhesion of the colours and the quality of paint. Significantly decreases paint consumption. Decreases the moisture absorption of the surface. Improves the thermal protection features of processed surface.
Also for processing surface before installing wallpapers, linoleum, carpeting and other flooring. Decreases glue consumption and increases surface adhesion.
USAGE: Mix before use. Processed surface should be clean, dry and degreased. Friable or very porous surface should be cleaned till a strong base. Apply primer on cleaned surface with a brush, roller or a sprayer. Priming temperature above +5°C.
CONSUMPTION: Primer consumption 7 - 9 m²/l, depending on surface porosity and absorbability.
DRYING TIME: at +23ºC temperature, 1 - 2 h.
STORAGE: In original package in temperature above +5ºC, storing period indicated on the label. Keep away from freezing.
CONTAINS: composition of acrylate dispersion, active additives, and demineralized water.