We invite you to take part in a seminar for experts and heat engineers!
We invite you to take part in a seminar for experts and heat engineers!
Theme of the seminar:
Location - 53a Kuldigas str., Riga, Latvia.
To attend in the seminar, please write info@stafor.lv or call +371 26408999.
Theme of the seminar:
- Installation, configuration and operation features of solid fuel boilers LIEPSNELE.
- Speaker: technical specialist of manufacturer Alfonsas Matulis.
- New models of ion boilers STAFOR. Design features and installation.
- Speaker: technical specialist STAFOR.
- Improved reliability of ion boilers (heaters) control panels. Changes in the design of control panels.
- Speaker: technical specialist STAFOR.
Location - 53a Kuldigas str., Riga, Latvia.
To attend in the seminar, please write info@stafor.lv or call +371 26408999.
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