Sėmenų aliejaus dažai-beicas NATURA
Dažų sąnaudos: Dažų sąnaudos priklauso nuo medienos tipo ir būklės, vidutiniškai su vienu litru galima padengti 5–12 m². Dažant smulkiai šlifuotą lentą su vienu litru galima padengti 10–12 m², rankomis apdorotų rąstų su vienu litru galima padengti 5–6 m².
Naudojimas: Prieš naudojimą ir jo metu dažus reikia kruopščiai išmaišyti. Medieną, į kurią dažai prastai įsigeria, patartina iš pradžių apdoroti su mažo grūdėtumo švitriniu popieriumi. Dažus tepti patartina minkštu teptuku, voleliu arba kempine, storu sluoksniu, ir po 2–4 valandų dažų likučius nuvalyti skudurėliu. Įsigėrimo trukmė priklauso nuo medienos tipo ir pageidaujamo tono. Dažyti patariama 2–3 sluoksniais, kiekvieną kitą sluoksnį tepant tik išdžiūvus ankstesniam sluoksniui. Norint pasiekti tolygų dažymą, dažyti reikia storesniu sluoksniu, o dažų likučius nuo medienos nuvalyti labai atsargiai.
Džiūvimo trukmė: 24–48 valandos, priklausomai nuo medienos įsigėrimo savybių ir oro temperatūros, galutinai dažai sukietėja apytikriai per 2–3 savaites.
Saugumas: Dėmesio! Dažų įsigėręs audinio gabalas gali užsidegti!
Atspalvių sėmenų aliejaus dažų NATURA
Sėmenų aliejus dažų savybės
Natura - it is a natural paint for natural environment. The paint does not contain organic solvents and synthetic, “Natura” is made only of natural linseed oil and mineral pigments. Such paints have withstood a test of centuries.
Linseed oil paints are used since XIII century
and still they are non-replaceable where natural and healthy environment is appreciated. “Natura” is paint for natural, wooden surfaces: facades of wooden buildings, log buildings, wooden panels, furniture and other wooden products. Advantages of linseed oil paints in comparison with common paints of today made of synthetic materials are as follows:
- properly applied layer of linseed oil paint is up to 6 times thinner than that of alkyd or latex paint, thus there is less consumption of linseed oil paint;
- during the drying process, oxygen is added, it can be said, that dry remnant of linseed oil paint is larger than 100%, it does not “shrink”;
- due to their small sizes, linseed oil molecules are deeply absorbed in the wooden surface (up to 1.5mm), at the same time wood can freely breathe;
- coating of qualitative linseed oil paint is durable - coatings of linseed oil paints do not crack and peel off, as it is common with synthetic paints;
- natural pigments used for linseed oil paints further wood protection against rotting and fungus diseases;
- while working with linseed oil paints, employees are not exposed to harmful effect of solvent vapour;
- increased resistance to wear and adhesion to surface.
One should be skilful and having creative approach when working with paints “Natura”. When changing the thickness of the applied layer and intensity of “rubbing” it into the wooden surface, it is possible to obtain different surface painting and wooden texture emphasis. A characteristic feature of glazing paint is emphasis on the natural texture of wood. The main advantage of linseed oil paints is that they are ecological, made of materials of natural origin, they do not contain substances harmful to environment, and they excellently “get on” with other building materials of natural origin: wood, stone, etc., therefore, they are irreplaceable in cases when it is necessary to build environmentally friendly houses.